Speech Therapy -> Hearing
The type of therapy for individuals with hearing loss will differ greatly depending on the type and severity of hearing loss, the age of onset, and the age at which compensatory modes of communication were introduced. Although the therapy is conducted by a Speech Therapist, the patient and therapist may not always be using speech to communicate. Areas of focus in aural hab/rehab may include training in auditory perception and visual cues, improving speech, developing language, managing communication, and the management of devices that aid in hearing.
Skilled interventions
Auditory Perception Techniques
Auditory perception techniques are used by the SLP to increase awareness of sound and then expand the patient’s vocal repertoire. This involves providing auditory stimulation to the patient that is meaningful and appropriate to facilitate vocal moving towards verbal communication. Principles and techniques can be used at the onset of a baby’s amplification throughout the stages of speech/language development.
Listening Skills: Meaningful auditory stimulation where the patient introduced and reinforced with sounds. Such as playing with rattles or saucepans so that the patient enjoys the experience rather then being trained to respond each time he hears a drum or whistle.
Listening & Vocalizing: Talking with the patient and then waiting for vocalization, beginnings of vocal games.
Listening to Language: Wave “bye-bye”, songs and rhymes.
Vocal communication: This is a precursor to verbal communication and includes accepting “uh” and “up” and expressions such as “uh oh” and “ow”.
Vocal to Verbal communication: Accepting the patient’s word approximation as long as it has something in common with the adult form. For example “oo” would be an approximation for “shoe” or “juice”, whereas “eh” or “uh” would not. Phrases such as “all-gone” should be taught as a unit.(Ling & Ling, 1978)
Auditory Processing Training
This training helps individuals better understand and respond to auditory information. Activities include listening exercises, sound discrimination tasks, and following multi-step auditory directions to improve auditory processing skills.
Sound-Object Association Technique
Sound-object association technique is used by an SLP with patients who are using hearing prostheses that facilitates listening to sounds. This is also referred to as “learning to listen” sounds. Patients must first become familiar with frequently heard sounds before they understand and start to speak words. Session are centered on play an auditory-verbal strategies that are used with sound-object association activities. More information can be found at www.listen-up.org.
The Ling-6 Sound test and cards is another type of sound-object association technique. Learning to listen sounds includes but are not limited to the following:
1. aaaaaaaah (airplane)
2. buhbuhbuhbuhbuh (bus)
3. brrrrrrrrr (car)
4. ptptptptptptp (boat)
5. chchchchchchchch (train)
6. moooooooo (cow)
7. woofwoof or arfarf or ruffruff (dog)
8. ssssssss (snake)
9. quack quack (duck)
10. hop hop hop (rabbit)
11. mmmmmmm (as in “mmmm, it’s good!”)
12. shhhhhhhhhh (quiet)
13. smacking your lips (kiss)
14. t-t-t-t-t-t (clock)(Harding, 1983; Norris & Hoffman, 1994)
Total Communication Approach
Total communication approach places emphasis on language through all available modalities in order to provide language learning. The SLP uses formalized visual communication systems such as cued speech or sign language are used along with interventions targeting listening and verbal communication (Holcomb, 1973).
Reference links
Effects of Parents' Mealtime Conversation Techniques For Preschool Children With Hearing Loss Who Use Listening and Spoken Language 2
Author: Elaine R. Smolen, Ye Wang, Maria C. Hartman, and Young-Sun Lee - Parents of preschoolers with hearing loss may benefit from specific coaching to elicit language and introduce new vocabulary during home routines. These techniques may help develop their children's receptive language.
pubs.asha.org -
Child Aural/Audiologic Rehabilitation 1
Author: The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association - Often with children, aural rehabilitation services would more appropriately be called "habilitative" rather than "rehabilitative." "Rehabilitation" focuses on restoring a skill that is lost. In children, a skill may not be there in the first place, so it has to be taught -- hence, the services would be "habilitative," not "rehabilitative."
www.asha.org -
Efficacy of Auditory-Verbal Therapy In Children With Hearing Impairment: A Systematic Review From 1993 to 2015 2
Author: Ramesh Kaipa and Michelle L. Danser - This systematic review investigates the effects of auditory-verbal therapy (AVT) on receptive and expressive language development, auditory and speech perception, and "mainstreaming" in children, 2-months-old to 17-years-old, with hearing loss.
www.sciencedirect.com -
Engaging and Fun Speech Activities We Use At Home For Babies, Toddlers and Children 1
Author: Melissa Hyder - An article reviewing Learning Strategies and play-based activities for parents to use at home with babies, toddlers, and children with hearing loss.
www.hearinglikeme.com -
Bilingual Service Delivery 1
Author: ASHA - Information and resources regarding bilingual service delivery by SLPs (from ASHA)
www.asha.org -
Your Child’s Early Development is a Journey 1
Author: Centers For Disease Control and Prevention - Skills such as taking the first step, smiling for the first time, and waving “bye-bye” are called developmental milestones. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act, and move. Click on the age of your child to see the milestones:
www.cdc.gov -
Bilingual (Spanish/English) Evaluation Resources 1
Author: Bilinguistics - Dozens of speech, language, fluency, and other evaluation resources for bilingual evaluations
bilinguistics.com -
Milestone Moments 1
Author: Centers For Disease Control and Prevention - These developmental milestones show what most children (75% or more) can do by each age. Subject matter experts selected these milestones based on available data and expert consensus.
Activity List(s)
- Cat Rhyming Words 2
- Donkey Rhyming Words 2
- Dog Rhyming Words 2
- Learning to Listen Sounds 3
- Duck Rhyming Words 2
- Hen Rhyming Words 2
- Cow Rhyming Words 2
- Pig Rhyming Words 2
- Fun way to practice phoneme /r/ in various positions. 1
- Sheep Rhyming Words 2
- 15 Facts Related to Thanksgiving 5
- All About Me Question List with Additional Prompts 2
Visual Schedule Cards
Related Disorder(s)
- Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) - Auditory processing disorder (APD) is a hearing problem that affects about 3%–5% of school-aged children. Kids with this condition, also known as central auditory processing disorder (CAPD), can't understand what they hear in the same way other kids do. This is because their ears and brain don't fully coordinate.
Test of Auditory Processing Skills - Fourth Edition 0
Provides information about language processing and comprehension skills.
Test of Auditory Processing Skills - Third Edition 0
OutdatedProvides a reliable measure of how children and teens process what they hear.
Auditory Skills Assessment 0
Tool for early identification of young children who might be at risk for auditory skill deficits and/or early literacy skill difficulties.
Oral Passage Understanding Scale 0
Assesses listening comprehension, a skill that is essential for classroom learning.
Language Processing Test 3: Elementary 0
Assesses discrete language processing skills, profiling strengths and weaknesses to inform diagnosis and treatment.
Therapists who selected this major focus area as their top area of expertise.
Virginia Ingram
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Todd Houston
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Angela Vatrano
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