Feeding Therapy -> Behavior -> Appropriate Seating

Appropriate Seating

Related to the type of seating used when child is at mealtime. Appropriate seating considers factors such as foot support, trays, trunk support and positioning, location to family at mealtime, and location relative to feeder if applicable.

Activity List(s)

Goal Bank

  • Scott will improve mealtime behaviors (throwing food , etc.) by accepting non-preferred foods on a plate in 5 /10 opportunities given moderate cues and models across 4 consecutive sessions and per caregiver report to participate in group mealtime with friends and family. 1
  • Joe will improve mealtime behaviors (Throwing food, etc. ) by accepting non-preferred foods on a plate in 8/10 times with given moderate cues and models across 3 consecutive sessions and per caregiver report to be able to participate in group meal time with friends and family. 0
