Speech Therapy -> Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills -> Problem Solving
Problem Solving
The ability to identify the problem, regulate emotions, identify possible solutions, organize necessary steps to follow a solution track, and assess if solution track solved the problem initially identified.
Activity List(s)
Visual Schedule Cards
Goal Bank
- Given examples of social situations, Melva will problem-solve a variety of functional scenarios(e.g. to increase orientation and safety awareness) with 90% accuracy across 3 consecutive therapy sessions. 4
- Charlsie will make an inference and/or provide an appropriate verbal response to a problem given a variety of situations (i.e., school, home, community) with 90% accuracy given minimal cues across 5 consecutive therapy sessions as measured by clinician observation to increase pragmatic and expressive language skills. 4
Problem Solving and Solutions Visual Support
Sara Lowczyk
A visual support with several boy/girl options for walking through solving a problem. Mini solution cards and big poster cards also available.
Time to Take a Shower Visual Support
Sara Lowczyk
A visual support to send home with parents to post in their bathrooms.
Social Story During COVID- Farm Animal Mask Story
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Social Story by Autism Little Learners with permission to share.
Unicorn Emotions
Breann Voytko
Who doesn't love unicorns? Practice labeling emotions with these fun unicorn faces
Morning Checklist
Sara Lowczyk
I created this resource while working at The Autism Program. It is a morning checklist for getting ready in the morning.
Includes activity list1
How to Make a Birthday Cake Social Story
Sara Lowczyk
A Social Story with pictures for making a birthday cake.
Social Story: I Will Keep My Hands to Myself
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Personalized social story No hitting/no pushing social story
Social Story Wearing a Mask to School COVID
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Social Story by Autism Little Learners with permission to share.
The Friendship Test
Sara Lowczyk
A list of items to check if someone is your friend.
Includes activity list1
Mom/Dad At Work Visual Support
Sara Lowczyk
A visual support able to be edited for the time mom/dad returns from work.
Cafeteria Social Story
Sara Lowczyk
A giant social story about eating in the cafeteria.
Includes activity list1
Flyers For Functional Language and Conversation Middle School and High School
Jessica Lenden-Holt
A variety of flyers to use for functional speech and language activities for older students.