Kelly Manning

Kelly Manning
Speech Therapy and Feeding Therapy
(Certificate of Clinical Competence - Speech-Language Pathology)

Kelly Manning
Speech Therapy and Feeding Therapy
(Certificate of Clinical Competence - Speech-Language Pathology)
Profile details
I attended Syracuse University for undergrad and University of Tennessee Health Science Center for graduate school. My concentration in grad school was AAC, but I have also enjoyed working with children who have Autism and other behavioral needs. I enjoy behavior intensive settings both in the classrooms and in the clinic. I typically work with students in preschool to end of elementary. When not in schools, I love learning more and growing as a feeding therapist as well.
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Areas of expertise
- Speech Therapy Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- Speech Therapy Phonology
- Speech Therapy Articulation
- Feeding Therapy Behavior
- Feeding Therapy Oral Motor Skills
- Feeding Therapy Sensory
Areas of interest
Experience treating these disorders
This user hasn't provided any experience treating disorders.
This user hasn't provided any educational background.
Professional Associations
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