How to Record a Payment Made On a Claim or Outstanding Invoice
Published: March 08, 2024
Last updated: January 21, 2025
How to Record a Payment Made On a Claim or Outstanding Invoice
Ambiki strongly encourages all users to participate in ERA enrollment so that payment posting is automated and you do not need to manually log payments. However, there are cases where ERAs are not offered by the payer or the payer charges an additional cost to receive ERAs that a practice may not be interesting in paying. If you receive ERAs in Ambiki, you do not need to log payments, as Ambiki will log them for you. ERAs can be found under Billing->EDI 835 (ERAS).
Go to the invoice you are making the payment for
- You can find the invoice through the patient profile, from Billing->Patient Invoices, or through the Aging Report dashboard and Account's Receivable Ledgers.
- Once you have located the invoice you want to make the payment for, click Actions->$ Add Payment.
- You can also add a write off for an error, non-collectable debt, or insurance adjustment by going to Actions->-Add Write-off
- You can also add a write off for an error, non-collectable debt, or insurance adjustment by going to Actions->-Add Write-off
- Select if a full payment is being made or a partial payment. If it is a partial payment, you will be asked additional details on what is being covered through this payment. If you are adding ERA/EOB information to an insurance invoice, choose partial payment so you can add adjustments as needed.
- Select the Payment Type
- If you are logging an insurance payment, you should select - Insurance
- If you are charging a patient's credit card with this payment, you should select their credit card and click 'Save Payment' to run the card
- If you are logging a payment that was made through another method, select that payment method from the list.
- Click Save
- The invoice should know show as either paid or partially paid.
- All payment history can be viewed under Billing->Patient invoice payments. You can apply additional payments to this invoice if needed.

If you are adding insurance ERA/EOB information, click partial payment (custom):

Then you will be able to add the payment and adjustment information to match the information from the ERA/EOB.

Bailey Morgan