How Will a Therapist Seamlessly Swap to a Different Patient In a Teletherapy Session?

How Will a Therapist Seamlessly Swap to a Different Patient In a Teletherapy Session? image
Last updated: March 22, 2023
How will a therapist Seamlessly Swap to a different patient in a Teletherapy session?

The therapist can change to different patient(s) by following these steps:

  1. Click on the ‘Seamless Swap’ icon at the top right of where it says ‘Patients’ to activate Seamless Swap.

click on seamless swap icon
2. Click on the area by the patient that you want to swap out and begin typing the new patient name for the session. You'll then see a drop-down list of patients to choose from. Choose a patient.
type new patient name
3. Confirm your ‘Seamless Swap’ patient. Click on the top green ‘Confirm’ button at the top of the screen.

click to confirm session to create
4. Pop up window is then displayed. Click ‘confirm’ to complete the Seamless Swap. The page will automatically refresh for your new session.

click to confirm patient in new session
5. Your screen will refresh automatically with your new patient and session.

You are now ready to go and start your session with your new patient.