Occupational Therapy -> Instrumental Activities of Daily Living -> Health Management and Maintenance
Health Management and Maintenance
Health management includes engaging in routines for wellness like getting exercise, eating required nutrients, taking medications as prescribed, and maintaining health by setting up and attending required medical visits and following required health routines.
Reference links
Intervention Strategies For Anxiety In Children: A Summary of the Evidence 2
Author: Handojo, Hsu-Nazzal, Kabbani, Swinth, Tomlin, and Brubaker - Treatment of Anxiety in Children. Interventions include cognitive–behavioral strategies, occupation-based and child-centered play interventions, yoga, and music. These may improve functional performance and participation. Social skills and the ability to build high-quality friendships effectively supplement anxiety interventions. Citation: Nina Handojo, Christine Hsu-Nazzal, Nadia Kabbani, Yvonne Swinth, George Tomlin, Kristen Brubaker; Intervention Strategies for Anxiety in Children: A Summary of the Evidence. Am J Occup Ther July 2017, Vol. 71(4_Supplement_1), 7111520273p1. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2017.71S1-PO1052
research.aota.org -
Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity On Anxiety 1
Author: Elizabeth Anderson1 and Geetha Shivakumar1,2, - Exercise and cognitively based distraction techniques were shown to have equal effectiveness at reducing state anxiety, however, exercise was more effective in reducing trait anxiety (Petruzzello et al., 1991).
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov -
Activity- and Occupation-Based Interventions to Support Mental Health, Positive Behavior, and Social Participation For Children and Youth: A Systematic Review 2
Author: Cahill, Egan and Seber - Productive occupations and life skills, sports, and yoga addressed mental health, positive behavior, and social participation for children and youth with and at risk for mental health concerns. Moderate-strength evidence suggests that yoga can be used to address mental health, positive behavior, and social participation of children and youth. Low- to moderate-strength evidence suggests that productive occupations and life skills training can be used to address mental health, positive behavior, and social participation. Moderate-strength evidence supports the use of play and creative arts. Activity- and occupation-based interventions should be implemented to address the mental health, positive behavior, and social participation of children and youth with or at risk for mental health concerns. Practitioners should use group service delivery models when providing intervention to children and youth with or at risk for mental health concerns. Sports activities should be used to develop social interaction skills. Practitioners should incorporate meditation practices and blogging when attempting to foster positive feelings about self in children and youth. Manualized yoga programs or less structured yoga games and poses should be used when addressing the mental health, positive behavior, and social participation of children and youth with or at risk for mental health concerns. Citation: Susan M. Cahill, Brad E. Egan, Joanna Seber; Activity- and Occupation-Based Interventions to Support Mental Health, Positive Behavior, and Social Participation for Children and Youth: A Systematic Review. Am J Occup Ther March/April 2020, Vol. 74(2), 7402180020p1–7402180020p28. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2020.038687
research.aota.org -
Psychoeducation For Caregivers of People With Chronic Conditions: Systematic Review of Related Literature From 1995–2018 2
Author: Rouch, Fields, Rodakowski, & Leland - Effectiveness of interventions for caregivers of adults with chronic conditions. Adequate caregiver training to promote maintenance of the caregiver's role. Interventions focused on individualized education, counseling, problem-solving training, and coping skill development contributed to improvements in caregiver knowledge. Citation: Rouch, S. A., Fields, B. E., Rodakowski, J., & Leland, N. E. (2020). Psychoeducation for caregivers of people with chronic conditions: Systematic review of related literature from 1995–2018 [Critically Appraised Topic]. American Occupational Therapy Association.
watermark.silverchair.com -
Interventions For Caregivers of People With Parkinson’s Disease: Systematic Review of Related Literature From January 2011–December 2018 2
Author: Henderson and Boone - Evidence for the effectiveness of interventions for caregivers of people with Parkinson’s disease within the scope of occupational therapy practice that facilitates maintaining participation in the caregiver. Results included repetitive yoga when targeting stress levels, depressive symptoms, or general psychosocial health. Citation: Henderson, W., and Boone, A. (2020). Interventions for caregivers of people with Parkinson’s disease: Systematic review of related literature from January 2011–December 2018. [Critically Appraised Topic]. American Occupational Therapy Association.
www.aota.org -
Occupation- and Activity-Based Interventions to Improve Performance of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and Rest and Sleep For Children and Youth Ages 5–21: A Systematic Review 2
Author: Beisbier and Laverdure - Rest–sleep, health management (nutrition–dietary, physical activity–fitness, wellness), and the IADLs of driving, communication management, and safety. Interventions embedded in school programming to improve physical activity and fitness and for sleep preparation activities to maximize quality of rest and sleep. Interactive education and skills training interventions to improve health routines, dietary behaviors, and IADL participation and performance. Evidence supports parent and school and community involvement throughout the course of intervention as well as provision of pediatric services in the natural context of the child’s or teenager’s routine and environments. Practitioners should consider skills-based training strategies that include peer, family member, and therapist interaction and the use of a small-group format for service delivery with children and adolescents. Practitioners should explore interactive technology interventions for clients, including those with ADHD and ASD, and consider pairing such interventions with skills training. Addressing rest and sleep occupations can improve health and well-being and increase performance and participation in meaningful occupations. Citation: Stephanie Beisbier, Patricia Laverdure; Occupation- and Activity-Based Interventions to Improve Performance of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and Rest and Sleep for Children and Youth Ages 5–21: A Systematic Review. Am J Occup Ther March/April 2020, Vol. 74(2), 7402180040p1–7402180040p32. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2020.039636
research.aota.org -
What to Know About ADLs and IADLS 1
Author: VeryWell Health - Here is a basic guide to ADLS (Activities of Daily Living) and IADLS (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living).
www.verywellhealth.com -
Interventions Supporting Mental Health and Positive Behavior In Children Ages Birth–5 Yr: A Systematic Review 2
Author: Kingsley, Sagester, and Weaver - The evidence indicates that touch-based interventions can improve infant self-regulation (strong), social behavior, and attachment (moderate) and reduce maternal stress, anxiety, and depression (low). Moderate-strength evidence supports PCIT to improve child behavior. The evidence indicates that parent training can improve parent behavior, maternal–infant attachment (strong), and parent mental health (moderate). Teacher training can improve mental health and behavior (moderate). • Practitioners should coach caregivers to use massage to increase infant self-regulation, reduce parental stress, and improve child social behavior. • KC or skin-to-skin contact should be used to address maternal stress, anxiety, and attachment. • PCIT should be considered only to address child behavior. • Practitioners should implement individualized parent or teacher training to promote child mental health and positive behavior. • Occupational therapy educational programs should train practitioners to incorporate parent-mediated intervention to promote infants’ and young children’s positive mental health. Citation: Karrie Kingsley, Grace Sagester, Lindy L. Weaver; Interventions Supporting Mental Health and Positive Behavior in Children Ages Birth–5 Yr: A Systematic Review. Am J Occup Ther March/April 2020, Vol. 74(2), 7402180050p1–7402180050p29. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2020.039768
Activity List(s)
Visual Schedule Cards
Goal Bank
- In order to improve meal preparation, Peter will create a recipe book with 8 recipes with virtual assistance by the end of 3 sessions. 0
Positive Affirmations Writing
Glenna Nave
Express Needs. All About Me. Emotions. Mental Health Resources. Language Resource. Occupational Therapy Resources. Teenagers. Dice Resource. Directions: Roll a dice (or 2 die) and write the sentenc...
Interview Prep - Body Language/facial Expressions
Glenna Nave
Emotions. Senses. All About Me. Body Parts. Pictures of body language and facial expressions to use as conversation starters for preparing for an interview.
Executive Functioning: Menus
Glenna Nave
Use this visual of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as a final product to work backwards to figure out what ingredients are needed and the steps needed to prepare it.