Speech Therapy -> Intelligibility -> Prosody Errors

Prosody Errors

Prosody errors are errors in the rhythm, stress and intonation of speech. For example, errors may be the raising of a voice at the end of a sentence when not asking a question or using equal stress on all syllables of words (i.e., monotone). Children with apraxia often have difficulties saying the same word with different inflection to show their emotions or whether they are asking a question or saying a statement.

Activity List(s)

Goal Bank

  • Janene will vary prosodic factors such as his intonation (pitch), volume, rhythm, and stress when given clinician models and fading supports toward independent spontaneous production, first in imitative, in imitative, then spontaneous words, phrases, and sentences moving on to expanded sentence levels, brief and longer monologues, and conversation when ready, with 90% accuracy across 3 consecutive sessions to improve prosody. 3
  • Jesse will produce 4-word utterances during play based activities with 90% intelligibility across 3 consecutive sessions when provided fading carrier phonemes, verbal models, and visual pacing cues as measured by clinician data and observation to increase overall speech intelligibility. 2
  • Given visual and verbal stimuli, Jill will correctly produce VC/CV words first in imitation then spontaneously in phrases and sentences with 90% accuracy across 3 therapy sessions to improve speech intelligibility. 2
