Speech Therapy -> Phonology -> Fronting
Very common processes and speech sound errors seen in young boys and girls. Velar fronting occurs on production of the /k/ and /g/ phonemes. The /k/ and /g/ phonemes are made at the back of the mouth, when the tongue contacts the velum, which results in a blockage of the air stream. Children with velar fronting difficulty don't do this. Their tongue tip touches the front of the mouth to produce a /t/ or /d/. For instance, cart becomes tart, and goat becomes doat.
Reference links
Speech Sound Errors. The Most Common Speech Errors a Child is Likely to Make. 1
Author: David Newmonic - Speech Sound Errors: Speech production difficulties are the most common form of communication impairment school-based speech pathologists are likely to encounter when working in schools.
Activity List(s)
Top 20 (View all)
- Fronting/Backing Minimal Pairs 1
- Final -ng words 1
- Medial -ng words 1
- /k/ words 1
- Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie - /k/ and /g/ words with minimal pairs 1
- Winter /k/ words AWP 0
- 1 syllable words k list 1
- Initial /g/ 0
- Halloween /k/ /g/ words 0
- /sh/ all word positions 1
- CVC initial and final /k/ 0
- Thanksgiving/Fall /k/ words 0
- Voiceless /th/ AWP 0
- /b/ Word List (Initial Position) 2
- Thanksgiving/Fall /g/ words 0
- /g/ all word positions 0
- Final /sh/ 0
- Initial /k/ 0
- Christmas /k/ /g/ words 0
- Medial /k/ 1
Goal Bank
- In order to improve speech intelligibility, Diane will reduce velar fronting (e.g., tup/cup; do/go) by producing /k, g/ in all word positions given minimal pairs (e.g., tup vs. cup) working from the word level to the conversational level with 80% accuracy given minimal cues over 5 consecutive sessions. 4
- Rolf will produce the following phonemes /g, k, d, y, sh, ch, l, r, j, th, v, s, z/ in all positions of the word in imitative, then spontaneous syllables, words, and phrases, sentence, and conversation when ready with 80% accuracy over 3 consecutive sessions to improve overall speech intelligibility. 2
- Marline will correctly imitate, then spontaneously produce the /r/ phoneme (including blends) in all word positions in words, phrases, sentences, and finally conversation with 80% accuracy over 3 consecutive sessions in order to improve intelligibility. 3
- Rick will produce /p/ in all positions spontaneously in words, phrases and sentences with 90% accuracy across 3 therapy sessions to increase intelligibility. 2
Top 20 (View all)
/k/ and /g/ Polka Dot Valentine’s Cards
Sara Lowczyk
/k/ and /g/ Valentine’s Day sheets for articulation practice.
Articulation G Flash Cards: All Positions,
Sara Lowczyk
All positions of G words in color. 10 pages of all positions. 2 initial position pages, 2 medial position pages, 2 final position pages, 4 combination pages.
Articulation /k/ and /g/ Polka Dot Shamrock Worksheets For St. Patrick’s Day
Sara Lowczyk
/k/ and /g/ words in polka dot shamrocks.
Articulation /g/ Brush Your Teeth Activity All Positions
Sara Lowczyk
An interactive activity with 12 initial, 12 medial and 12 final words. Each page has a smiley face with blacked out teeth. Each page has a teletherapy option and a print option.
Includes activity list1
Silly /k/ and /g/ Valentine
Sara Lowczyk
A valentine activity with /k/ and /g/ choices for carryover practice.
/f/ and /h/ Initial Position Minimal Pairs Cards
Sara Lowczyk
Color flashcards for minimal pairs /f/ and /h/ in words. Powerpoint uploaded so it is able to be edited (add more or change out pictures) **Images from mycutegraphics.com and pixabay.com
/g/ Articulation Cards
Breann Voytko
Articulation Cards for /g/ in all positions: Initial: 16 targets; Medial: 16 targets; Final: 16 targets
Cr /kr/ Blend
Articulation Resource. Speech Resource. SLP. Articulation cards for the "cr" /kr/ blend in the initial position. Each card contains one word and associated image. Words: crocodile, cricket, crow, c...
/sh/ Articulation Cards
Breann Voytko
Articulation Cards for /sh/ in all positions: Initial: 16 targets; Medial: 16 targets; Final: 16 targets.
/k/ Articulation Cards
Breann Voytko
Articulation Cards for /k/ in all positions: Initial: 16 targets; Medial: 16 targets; Final: 16 targets.
Sidekick Speech Sound Error Analysis Assessment
Ian Quillen, M.S., CCC-SLP & Rob Vitaro, Senior Developer
Sidekick Therapy Partners' Speech Sound Error Analysis Assessment was created as a complementary assessment tool to be used in conjunction with formal standardized speech measures/test protocols, a...
Articulation /s/ Blend Shamrock Worksheets
Sara Lowczyk
Low ink, no prep /s/ blend words in polka dot St. Patrick’s Day shamrocks. Separated into their sounds (two sheets for /sk/, /st/ etc), and two sheets with mixed blends).
’sh' Digraph Vocabulary Page, Sorting Activity and Sentence Worksheet.
Sara Lowczyk
"sh" vocabulary word cards with sorting activity and sentence worksheet.