Sidekick Speech Sound Error Analysis Assessment

Sidekick Speech Sound Error Analysis Assessment image


Sidekick Therapy Partners' Speech Sound Error Analysis Assessment was created as a complementary assessment tool to be used in conjunction with formal standardized speech measures/test protocols, and speech samples. It includes charts to write out errors observed in sounds and commonly observed blends at the word and sentence level. The assessment tool also includes a summary section for scores obtained from a standardized assessment protocol, a section for intelligibility, and a section for stimulability observations.

This tool is licensed for non-commercial use only. You may adapt it with proper attribution to the creators (Ian Quillen & Rob Vitaro) as long as you use the same licensing restrictions on your adapted work. 

Strategies and techniques

Use this assessment tool after administering a formal speech sound measure & filling out the protocol, or after collecting a speech sample, to analyze the errors you observe. Sounds are organized by manner of articulation to assist in quickly identifying phonological process error patterns. Use the totals boxes to tally up errors observed. There are sections below each chart to note total errors and additional observations.


Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)

Additional information


Ian Quillen avatar

Ian Quillen over 2 years ago





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Resource details

Sidekick Speech Sound Error Analysis Assessment image


Sidekick Therapy Partners' Speech Sound Error Analysis Assessment was created as a complementary assessment tool to be used in conjunction with formal standardized speech measures/test protocols, and speech samples. It includes charts to write out errors observed in sounds and commonly observed blends at the word and sentence level. The assessment tool also includes a summary section for scores obtained from a standardized assessment protocol, a section for intelligibility, and a section for stimulability observations.

This tool is licensed for non-commercial use only. You may adapt it with proper attribution to the creators (Ian Quillen & Rob Vitaro) as long as you use the same licensing restrictions on your adapted work. 

Strategies and techniques

Use this assessment tool after administering a formal speech sound measure & filling out the protocol, or after collecting a speech sample, to analyze the errors you observe. Sounds are organized by manner of articulation to assist in quickly identifying phonological process error patterns. Use the totals boxes to tally up errors observed. There are sections below each chart to note total errors and additional observations.


Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)

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