Speech Therapy -> Phonology -> Final Consonant Deletion
Final Consonant Deletion
The final consonant sound in a word is deleted. For instance the words sheep, duck and carrot may be produced as shee..., du... and carro... When a child has final consonant deletion he or she tends to delete just about all final consonants.
Reference links
Speech Sound Errors. The Most Common Speech Errors a Child is Likely to Make. 1
Author: David Newmonic - Speech Sound Errors: Speech production difficulties are the most common form of communication impairment school-based speech pathologists are likely to encounter when working in schools.
Activity List(s)
- Final Consonant deletion (final /n/ and /m/) 1
- Valentine's Day words - Final Consonant Deletion 1
- Halloween Final Consonant Deletion Words 1
- Final /g/ 1
- /d/ Word List (Final Position) 1
- Final /d/ Words 1
- CVC final /t/ 1
- Final /k/ 0
- Final /s/ 0
- Halloween /th/ sounds in words, phrases, and sentences - all positions 2
- Final Consonant Deletion 0
- Final /p/ Words 2
Goal Bank
- Rolf will produce the following phonemes /g, k, d, y, sh, ch, l, r, j, th, v, s, z/ in all positions of the word in imitative, then spontaneous syllables, words, and phrases, sentence, and conversation when ready with 80% accuracy over 3 consecutive sessions to improve overall speech intelligibility. 2
- Raymundo will spontaneously produce /l/ in all positions of words in words with 90% accuracy over 3 consecutive sessions to improve overall speech intelligibility. 3
- Tobias will correctly produce /k/ in all positions of words imitatively, then spontaneous words, phrases and sentences with 80% accuracy as measured by data collection, informal speech screenings, and observations to demonstrate articulation skills over 5 therapy sessions. 2
- Fermina will imitate age appropriate bilabial sounds (p,b,m) and age-appropriate consonants (n, w, h, t, k, f, g) in consonant+ vowel, vowel+consonant, consonant+vowel+consonant, and consonant+vowel+consonant+vowel combinations with 80% accuracy across 5 consecutive sessions to improve speech intelligibility. 4
- Given visual and verbal stimuli, Jill will correctly produce VC/CV words first in imitation then spontaneously in phrases and sentences with 90% accuracy across 3 therapy sessions to improve speech intelligibility. 3
- Marline will correctly imitate, then spontaneously produce the /r/ phoneme (including blends) in all word positions in words, phrases, sentences, and finally conversation with 80% accuracy over 3 consecutive sessions in order to improve intelligibility. 3
- Rick will produce /p/ in all positions spontaneously in words, phrases and sentences with 90% accuracy across 3 therapy sessions to increase intelligibility. 2
Top 20 (View all)
/b/ Simple Sentences: All Positions
Sara Lowczyk
These are simple sentences for emergent readers with all positions of /b/ words. 2 pages for initial, medial and final. 10 sentences per position.
Includes activity list1
Ally Alligator’s Apraxia Breakfast
Sara Lowczyk
60 CV, VC, CVC breakfast cards to "feed" to the alligator of your choosing-- I made mine out of an old cascade dishwashing container. Alligator graphics also provided.
/p/ Articulation Cards
Breann Voytko
Articulation Cards for /p/ in all positions: Initial: 16 targets Medial: 16 targets Final: 16 targets
CH Simple Sentences: All Positions
Sara Lowczyk
These are simple sentences for emergent readers with all positions of ch words. 2 pages for initial, medial and final. 10 sentences per position.
Articulation /d/ Flash Cards: All Positions
Sara Lowczyk
All positions of /d/ words in color. 1 page for initial, medial and final with 3 combination pages. 6 pages total.
Articulation /g/ Brush Your Teeth Activity All Positions
Sara Lowczyk
An interactive activity with 12 initial, 12 medial and 12 final words. Each page has a smiley face with blacked out teeth. Each page has a teletherapy option and a print option.
Includes activity list1
/b/ Articulation Cards (27)
Breann Voytko
Articulation Cards for /b/ in all positions: Initial: 9 targets Medial: 9 targets Final: 9 targets
Includes activity list2
Articulation B Polka Dot Egg Worksheets For Easter
Sara Lowczyk
Low ink, no prep B words in polka dot eggs. Separated into their sounds (3 sheets for initial b, medial b and final b and three sheets with mixed positions and one blank page to write in your own t...
/n/ Articulation Cards
Breann Voytko
Articulation Cards for /n/ in all positions: Initial: 16 targets; Medial: 16 targets; Final: 16 targets.
Articulation Tiny /d/ Cards
Sara Lowczyk
64 tiny /d/ cards to be cut out or be used word list. A good size for sensory bins.
Articulation F Flash Cards: All Positions,
Sara Lowczyk
All positions of F words in color. 8 pages of all positions.
Articulation /b/ Coloring Sheets: All Positions
Sara Lowczyk
These are all positions of /b/ in words with pictures available for coloring.
/f/ Articulation Cards
Breann Voytko
Articulation Cards for /f/ in all positions: Initial: 16 targets; Medial: 16 targets; Final: 16 targets.
/ch/ Articulation Cards
Breann Voytko
Articulation Cards for /ch/ in all positions: Initial: 16 targets; Medial: 16 targets; Final: 16 targets.
Easter Egg Speech Activity For Home Practice
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Home Exercise program for parents. Easter egg themed. Visual for speech sounds in first/medial/final position.
Multi-Syllable Words Interactive PDF Cards
Breann Voytko
Digital/No Print interactive multi-syllable word cards.