Ambiki Release Note: Calendar Filter System Upgrade: A More Intuitive Experience

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Samuel Okoth avatar

Samuel Okoth 1 day ago

Date: 03/24/2025

Applying Filters.

We're excited to announce significant improvements to our calendar filtering system, designed to make your experience more intuitive and efficient.

Automatic Filter Saving
Your filters are now automatically saved as you use them. The system intelligently manages your filters by:
- Automatically saving every filter you create as an "Unsaved" filter keeping your 50 most recently used filters readily available


New Filter States
Filters now exist in three distinct states to better match your workflow:
- Unsaved: Temporary filters that you've used but not explicitly saved (system retains your last 50)
- Saved: Filters you've marked to keep permanently
- Pinned: Your most important filters that appear as quick-access buttons at the top of your calendar


Simplified Experience
We've streamlined the filtering experience with several key improvements:
- You can set which filter is your default view
- Filter titles are now optional and if not set will be auto-generated based on your selections
- The filter modal has been redesigned for clarity and ease of use
- Intuitive icons help you quickly identify each filter type (funnel for Unsaved, pin for Saved, app icon for Pinned)


Easy Filter Management
Managing your filters is now as simple as drag-and-drop:
- Drag filters using the left 3 dots handle between the three states to change their status
- Click the trash icon to return a Saved or Pinned filter to Unsaved state
- Your system retains up to 50 unsaved filters before they're removed, so consider saving important filters you want to keep long-term


Teletherapy Visual Indicator
Teletherapy appointments now display a camera icon instead of a person icon, providing an immediate visual cue for these virtual sessions.


Admin Calendar Improvements
For administrators, we've optimized performance by requiring you to select specific therapists to view rather than loading all at once. You can still choose to view all therapists if needed.


Note: Currently, activating a filter requires a page reload. In our next update, we'll be implementing a smoother transition when applying filters.


Users can click the modal [?] to get more help / instructions

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