Ambiki Release Note: Dashboard Improvements, Patient Reinstatement, and Document Updates
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Samuel Okoth 17 days ago
Date: 02/20/2025
Dashboard Reorganization
- Events Missing Attendance has been moved to the right column, positioning it closer to Events Missing Documentation.
- Open Support Messages now appears on the left, balancing the layout and creating a more intuitive grouping.
Reinstate Discharged Patients
- Patients who have been discharged can now be reinstated. Once reinstated, they can be discharged again if necessary, providing greater flexibility in patient management.
Removed Deleted Diagnosis Codes from Physician Orders
- We’ve fixed an issue that caused deleted diagnosis codes to appear on new physician orders. Going forward, only valid, active diagnosis codes will display.
Streamlined “Events Missing Documentation”
- The Events Missing Documentation dashboard on the homepage now shows only the past two weeks of data. This aligns it with Events Missing Attendance and improves performance for users with a high volume of events.
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