Ambiki Release Note: Improved Caseload Management, Billing Accuracy, New Dashboard Controls and More

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Samuel Okoth avatar

Samuel Okoth 4 months ago

Date: 11/12/2024

Authorization End Dates on Caseload Page
The Caseload show page now includes "Authorizations End Dates" as an optional display field. You can enable or disable this field in the Organization editor for a more customized view.

Billing Status Update for Private Payment-Only Treatment Reports
We have resolved an issue affecting the status update for private payment-only treatment reports. Previously, these reports remained in "Signed" status after being marked "Paid" for private payments, causing them to appear in the "Signed but not billed" query even though they were fully paid. With this update, the treatment report status will now automatically update to "Complete" when a private payment is applied, ensuring accurate representation in the billing status filters. This fix improves the accuracy of billing reports, making it easier to manage treatment reports and reducing unnecessary follow-up on completed payments.

PDF Document Bundle Access Fix
An issue that prevented access to certain PDF document bundles has been fixed, allowing users to open and view document bundles without error.

Automated Claim Submission Reliability
We have corrected an issue with automated claim submissions to ensure claims are sent on time, improving workflow efficiency for billing teams.

Enhanced Control for Corrected Claims
The update to claim invalidation now allows users to invalidate corrected claims, giving flexibility to rebuild and resubmit claims if corrections were made in error.

New Feature: Custom Control over "Authorizations Needing Attention" Dashboard
We’ve introduced a new feature that gives users greater control over their authorizations dashboard. Now, if an authorization appears on the “Authorizations Needing Attention” dashboard but does not require monitoring, users can manually exclude it from their homepage user dashboard and organization-level dashboards. This can be helpful in cases where a replacement authorization is already in place or when monitoring the expiration of a specific authorization is not necessary. This enhancement aims to reduce unnecessary notifications and improve the accuracy of information presented to users, allowing teams to focus on authorizations that truly require attention.

Improved Authorization Retrieval for 837P Claims
Authorizations that were active at the date of service but are now ended are now included in checks for 837P claims, ensuring accurate claims processing.

New Claims Record Center Features
The Claims record center now includes an Excel export option and a multi-select filter for "Adjustment Reason." This provides better visibility into EDI 835 files, allowing users to filter and identify different types of denials easily.

New Faxing Guide Available
We have added a faxing guide to help users navigate faxing processes more effectively.

Fix for Documentation Amendment Save Button
A fix has been applied to enable the save button on documentation amendment notes, resolving previous issues with saving amendments.

New Fields in Caseload View
Two new fields are available in the caseload view for easier access to essential patient information:

  • Frequency from the Plan of Care (POC): Shows each patient’s recommended visit frequency.

  • Date Added to Caseload: Displays the date when a patient was added, assisting in case management.
These fields are off by default and can be enabled in the organization’s caseload settings.

Improved Display for Rich Text Areas in Custom Forms
A potential fix has been applied to ensure rich text areas in custom forms display correctly when accessed from the user dashboard.

Tenalog Update
This Tenalog update improves flexibility by removing checks that could block users from using Tenalog efficiently in cases where a Plan Of Care isn't required for patients. 

Duplicate Visit Note Creation Fix
A potential fix has been added to address the creation of multiple visit notes when saving, ensuring single-entry stability.

New Feature: Track $0 Insurance Payments
We've made it easier to identify and follow up on insurance claims that were marked as "paid" but received no payment ($0).

  • What's New: A new counter on your billing triage dashboard shows how many invoices have this status. Click the counter to view all affected records in the Patient Invoice record center. The Patient Invoice Excel export now includes a "Payment Status" column for better tracking.

  • Why This Matters: These $0 payments, while marked as "paid," often require follow-up. This update helps your billing team identify and manage these cases more efficiently.

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