Ambiki Release Note: Past Event Edit Window, Filter Fixes, Legal Guardian Records Fix and More
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Samuel Okoth 8 days ago
Date: 03/18/2025
Alerts Dashboard Filter Fix
- The Patient Status filter on the Alerts dashboard now correctly shows only the selected patient statuses (e.g., Active), ensuring more accurate alert management.
Past Event Edit Window & Default Event Duration
- Past events can now be locked from editing after a certain amount of time, defined by your organization’s settings in EMR Settings. By default, past events are uneditable unless configured otherwise. Organizations can also set a default event duration for newly added events, providing more control over scheduling.
Legal Guardian Record View
- We resolved an error that prevented some users from viewing certain legal guardian records. Legal guardians can now be viewed without issue.
Caseload Staff Restriction
- When creating a new caseload, the therapist selection now displays only staff members from the organization, ensuring parents or legal guardians don’t appear in the list.
Plan of Care (POC) Alert Silencing
- We re-enabled the automatic silencing of alerts for discontinued POCs when a more recent plan has been added for the same patient, helping streamline POC management.
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