Ambiki Release Note: Physician Orders Stability, Improved Superbills, and Plan Access Fixes
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Samuel Okoth about 1 month ago
Date: 02/19/2025
Physician Orders Server Error Resolved
We fixed an issue that led to a server error on the Physician Orders page. The page now loads and functions correctly.
We fixed an issue that led to a server error on the Physician Orders page. The page now loads and functions correctly.
Plan Access Correction
Some users on the Professional plan were incorrectly told they needed a Professional subscription to view parent-friendly summaries in visit notes. This message no longer appears if you’re already on a Professional plan.
Some users on the Professional plan were incorrectly told they needed a Professional subscription to view parent-friendly summaries in visit notes. This message no longer appears if you’re already on a Professional plan.
Accurate Patient Treatability Status
A bug caused the wrong treatability status to appear for patients. This has been resolved, ensuring each patient’s status displays correctly.
A bug caused the wrong treatability status to appear for patients. This has been resolved, ensuring each patient’s status displays correctly.
Superbill Enhancements
We’ve added more details to the Superbill to better meet insurance providers’ requirements and help reduce denials.
We’ve added more details to the Superbill to better meet insurance providers’ requirements and help reduce denials.
Visual Schedules Limit Fix
Users who hadn’t reached their plan limits were sometimes blocked from creating visual schedules. This has been fixed, allowing you to create visual schedules as intended.
Thank you for choosing Ambiki.
Users who hadn’t reached their plan limits were sometimes blocked from creating visual schedules. This has been fixed, allowing you to create visual schedules as intended.
Thank you for choosing Ambiki.