Ambiki Release Note: Simplifying Fax Access and Management

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Samuel Okoth avatar

Samuel Okoth 12 days ago

Date: 04/08/2024

We are pleased to announce changes to the fax tab within patient profiles. This release includes the following changes:

  • Introduction of "View" and "PDF" Buttons on the Faxes Tab:
    • The Faxes tab on patient profiles now features two new buttons: "View" and "PDF".
    • The "View" button allows users to quickly preview faxes directly within the application, eliminating the need to download them separately.
    • The "PDF" button enables users to download faxes in PDF format, providing a convenient way to save and share fax documents.

  • Centralized Document Access: Both incoming and outgoing faxes for each patient are now incorporated into the existing "All documents" tab. This provides a single location to access all patient-related documents, including faxes.

We believe these improvements will contribute to increased productivity and better organization of faxes. Thank you for choosing Ambiki.