Pre Writing Cutting - Spider Web

Pre Writing Cutting - Spider Web image


Cutting builds the muscles in a child's palm and hand during open and close of scissors. Cutting enhances hand-eye coordination. Scissor skills also encourage the child to use bilateral coordination, using both sides of their body at the same time. Lastly, this prepares them for handwriting and using a pencil.

Strategies and techniques

Using paper and scissors to coordinate movements to improve scissor skills and bilateral coordination.


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Krystan Inman avatar

Krystan Inman over 3 years ago





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Pre Writing Cutting - Spider Web image


Cutting builds the muscles in a child's palm and hand during open and close of scissors. Cutting enhances hand-eye coordination. Scissor skills also encourage the child to use bilateral coordination, using both sides of their body at the same time. Lastly, this prepares them for handwriting and using a pencil.

Strategies and techniques

Using paper and scissors to coordinate movements to improve scissor skills and bilateral coordination.


No License (NL)

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