Snow Globe Language and CVC Word Activities

25 pages of reinforcer, language, and CVC word activities.
Strategies and techniques
Use images as reinforcers for correct productions. Allow student to pick an image to add to snow globe after X number of correct productions.
Practice winter vocabulary using images.
Following directions: 1, 2, 3 step instructions using images, crayons or other art supplies to create a snow globe.
Compare and contrast slow globes that the group creates.
Describe your snow globe using target vocabulary.
Practice giving instructions for someone else to make a snow globe.
Cut out letters and create CVC words.
Use blank snow globes to create your own CVC words or articulation targets.
Practice winter vocabulary using images.
Following directions: 1, 2, 3 step instructions using images, crayons or other art supplies to create a snow globe.
Compare and contrast slow globes that the group creates.
Describe your snow globe using target vocabulary.
Practice giving instructions for someone else to make a snow globe.
Cut out letters and create CVC words.
Use blank snow globes to create your own CVC words or articulation targets.
Additional information
Resource details

25 pages of reinforcer, language, and CVC word activities.
Strategies and techniques
Use images as reinforcers for correct productions. Allow student to pick an image to add to snow globe after X number of correct productions.
Practice winter vocabulary using images.
Following directions: 1, 2, 3 step instructions using images, crayons or other art supplies to create a snow globe.
Compare and contrast slow globes that the group creates.
Describe your snow globe using target vocabulary.
Practice giving instructions for someone else to make a snow globe.
Cut out letters and create CVC words.
Use blank snow globes to create your own CVC words or articulation targets.
Practice winter vocabulary using images.
Following directions: 1, 2, 3 step instructions using images, crayons or other art supplies to create a snow globe.
Compare and contrast slow globes that the group creates.
Describe your snow globe using target vocabulary.
Practice giving instructions for someone else to make a snow globe.
Cut out letters and create CVC words.
Use blank snow globes to create your own CVC words or articulation targets.
Focus areas
- ST -> Phonology -> Phonological Awareness
- ST -> Phonology -> Syllable Shapes / Consonant-Vowel Combinations
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Following Directions
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Vocabulary
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Describing
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Differences
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Comparisons
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Similarities
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Vocabulary
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Differences
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Similarities
- ST -> Articulation -> Distortions
- ST -> Articulation -> Substitutions
8 more focus areas. Click arrow to view all.
Evidence based practice citations
Phonological Awareness Intervention: Beyond the Basics
Author(s): Schuele, C. & Boudrea, D. -
The Ability to Follow Verbal Directions: Identifying Skill Levels and Measuring Progress
Author(s): Cindy Gill, Laura Moorer-Cook, Erika S. Armstro...
Grade levels
Grades PK - 5
Weekly Themes
Daily Themes
Resource slides
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