Ambiki Notifications: Setup and Management
Published: September 18, 2023
Last updated: February 20, 2025
How do I manage notifications
Ambiki has made it easier for users to stay up to date with important notifications and messages. Notifications can now be delivered to you in the bell icon on the top right-hand side of your screen, so you can easily see them whenever you want.
You can receive notifications for a variety of events, such as:
- When other users show interest in your content.
- When you are assigned to a support or feedback ticket.
- When you receive a message from your organization or Ambiki.
- When you are a supervisor of a therapist and a co-signature is required.
Notifications will always appear in your JetStream, but you can choose to have them start appearing in the bell icon as well. This way, you will never miss an important notification.
To start seeing notification in the bell icon, ensure you are signed in to Ambiki and on the main dashboard:
- Click on the bell icon on the top right-hand side and select ‘Settings’.
2. Click on the checkbox that reads ‘Show an unread Notification count in the site navigation’. Click on ‘Update’ on the bottom right-hand side to save your notification settings.
3. You can also customize how you receive notifications in Ambiki. Choose to receive your notifications via email, SMS (Coming soon), in-app JetStream, or any combination of these options. To do this, navigate to the notification settings (see step 1 above).
4. Click on individual notification categories and select your preferred notification method by clicking on the appropriate toggle button (If you choose to be notified via SMS (coming soon) or email, select your email or phone number from the dropdown menu as appropriate).
To see all the notifications in your Jetstream, click on the bell icon on the top right-hand side and select ‘See all’. You can also now mark individual notifications as complete or incomplete, allowing you to use your JetStream as a working TODO list. Simply click on the checkbox next to the notification to mark it as complete or incomplete.

Samuel Okoth