Miracle Douglas

Miracle Douglas avatar

Miracle Douglas

Physical Therapy

(Physical Therapist)
Miracle Douglas avatar

Miracle Douglas

Physical Therapy

(Physical Therapist)

Profile details


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Areas of expertise

  1. Physical Therapy Assisted Device Orthotic
  2. Physical Therapy Assisted Device Device Management
  3. Physical Therapy Assisted Device Positioning
  4. Physical Therapy Balance
  5. Physical Therapy Balance Kneeling
  6. Physical Therapy Balance Protective Response Safety
  7. Physical Therapy Balance Single Limb Stance
  8. Physical Therapy Balance Sitting
  9. Physical Therapy Balance Standing
  10. Physical Therapy Balance Vestibular Rehabilitation
  11. Physical Therapy Bilateral Coordination
  12. Physical Therapy Bilateral Coordination Alternating Movements
  13. Physical Therapy Bilateral Coordination Symmetrical Movements
  14. Physical Therapy Gait
  15. Physical Therapy Gait Mechanics
  16. Physical Therapy Gait Patterns
  17. Physical Therapy Gait Phases
  18. Physical Therapy Gait Retraining Exercises
  19. Physical Therapy Gross Motor Skills
  20. Physical Therapy Gross Motor Skills Ambulation
  21. Physical Therapy Gross Motor Skills Transitions
  22. Physical Therapy Gross Motor Skills Ball Skills
  23. Physical Therapy Gross Motor Skills Milestones
  24. Physical Therapy Neuromuscular Retraining
  25. Physical Therapy Neuromuscular Retraining Body Awareness
  26. Physical Therapy Neuromuscular Retraining Coordination
  27. Physical Therapy Neuromuscular Retraining Crossing Midline
  28. Physical Therapy Neuromuscular Retraining Proprioception
  29. Physical Therapy Neuromuscular Retraining Weight Bearing
  30. Physical Therapy Nutrition
  31. Physical Therapy Nutrition Amount / Intake
  32. Physical Therapy Pain
  33. Physical Therapy Pain Movement Therapy and Exercise
  34. Physical Therapy Pain Manual therapy
  35. Physical Therapy Pain Massage
  36. Physical Therapy Praxis
  37. Physical Therapy Praxis Ideation
  38. Physical Therapy Praxis Coordination
  39. Physical Therapy Praxis Execution
  40. Physical Therapy Praxis Motor Planning
  41. Physical Therapy Range of Motion Active
  42. Physical Therapy Range of Motion
  43. Physical Therapy Range of Motion Active Assist
  44. Physical Therapy Range of Motion Passive
  45. Physical Therapy Strength
  46. Physical Therapy Strength Core
  47. Physical Therapy Strength Lower Extremity
  48. Physical Therapy Strength Endurance
  49. Physical Therapy Strength Mobility
  50. Physical Therapy Strength Sitting
  51. Physical Therapy Strength Stability / Balance
  52. Physical Therapy Strength Total Body / Gross / Overall
  53. Physical Therapy Strength Symmetry
  54. Physical Therapy Strength Upper Extremity

Areas of interest

  1. Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
  2. Early Intervention
  3. Clinical Education & Supervision
  4. Prevention/Wellness
  5. Leadership
  6. Teletherapy
  7. Reimbursement and/or Coding

Experience treating these disorders

  1. Developmental disorders
  2. Autism Spectrum Disorder
  3. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  4. Musculoskeletal disorders
  5. Neurological Conditions
  6. Sensory processing disorders
  7. Post-traumatic stress disorder



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Professional Associations

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