Occupational Therapy -> Augmentative and Alternative Communication -> Accessibility


Occupational therapists assess and address the accessibility of an individual’s form of communication in order to increase independence in communicating wants and needs. Examples of accessibility include; increasing font size for the individual to read independently, changing color/brightness of pictures/words to adhere to the individual’s visual and processing needs, adapting the location of where an AAC device is placed in relation to the individual depending on vision/motor abilities for reaching, etc.

Reference links

  • Mental/Behavior Health and Well-Being 2
    Author: AOTA - Interventions that can be implemented in a school system including the development of a supportive environment. Citation: American Occupational Therapy Association, 2020

Goal Bank

  • To meet Peter role as a student, Peter will complete 9 out of 10 homework assignments independently using assistive technology by March 5, 2023 . 0
  • Peter will demonstrate a dynamic tripod grasp when holding writing utensils with the usage of a pencil grip in order to improve fine motor functions on 9 /10 times by May 5, 2023 . 0
  • To demonstrate improved participation in ADLs, Peter will utilize a visual support or checklist of getting ready tasks 4 /5 times as reported by the caregiver by March 5, 2023 to guide morning routine. 0
  • Costa will take active participation in purposeful activities by determining the duration of activities using multimodal communication methods (e.g., speaking, writing, typing, pics, or gesturing), assuming that partners are responsive to all communication attempts AND use multimodal communication reciprocally for interaction, with 80% modeling, in 4 /5 opportunities, in 3 months. 0


  • 16 Gestures By 16 Months preview

    16 Gestures By 16 Months

    Bethany Ayer

    Research has found the development of gestures is a language predictor. From 9-16 months, children should be learning at least two additional gestures per month. Here is a helpful guide of typical ...
