Physical Therapy -> Balance -> Reaction Strategy

Reaction Strategy

There are three main reaction strategies we use to catch ourselves if we fall. Ankle strategy - using our ankle and lower leg muscles to respond to a small loss of balance (like when you're trying to stand on a trampoline and not move). Hip strategy - using our bigger leg muscles to react to a bigger push or to stop ourselves from moving (like when you bend your hips and knees to get lower to the ground to steady yourself like on a skateboard). Stepping strategy - when you step to the front, side, or back to catch your balance (like if brother gets mad and shoves you real big).

Activity List(s)

Goal Bank

  • Jane will recover 80% to midline, from lateral perturbations, while sitting, 10 times over 5 sessions, to promote better righting reactions for floor time. 1
  • Kurt will negotiate a multi-step obstacle course (e.g., balance beam, ramp, curb, stairs, climbing equipment) for 5 repetitions, with moderate assistance, in 6 consecutive sessions, to increase safe participation at the playground. 0
  • Miles will negotiate up 1 flight of stairs, holding the handrail with one hand, with min to no assistance at least 3 /5 days in a week, to improve safety and independence in 2 months. 0
  • Jessica will bend down from standing to pick up 5 items with 90% accuracy within 3 days over the 4 consecutive weeks, to improve coordination. 1
  • Darrel will reach to floor to pick an object off the ground and return to upright with no supervision in the short sit position, 5 time per day, 4 / 5 days per week, for 4 weeks, to improve safety during the classroom and playground activities. 0
  • Tom will walk up and kick a medium size ball without losing balance in 3 /4 trials, with modeling and 25% min support in 4 sessions, to participate in a play with his peers. 0
  • Kosta will pull to stand from a kneeling position, 5 x during the session with verbal cuing, to improve standing balance and core strength in 2 months. 0
  • Jay will transition from short sit to stand with stand-by supervision and no UE support, 5 times per day, and 4 /5 days per week for 6 weeks to improve safe participation in indoor and outdoor activities. 0