Story Dice For Language Building and Writing Prompts, Wh- Question Dice

Story Dice For Language Building and Writing Prompts, Wh- Question Dice image


Story dice are a fun way to elicit speech, language and writing samples and to target goals in therapy or in centers! 

Dice include engaging images for writing prompts and conversational starters. 

These are great for speech therapy (conversational carryover of articulation sounds), language therapy (to target grammar, syntax and vocabulary), writing centers and more!

This resource includes: 
12 total printable pages with 6 images per die
  • 1 simple Wh question die (What, Where, Who, When, How, Why)
  • 1 more complex Wh question die (What happened, What's next, When, Where, How, Why)
  • 1 farm theme based die
  • 1 pirate theme based die
  • 1 school theme based die
  • 1 funny animal theme based die
  • 1 funny animal/seasons based die
  • 1 emotions theme based die
  • 3 conversational starter/engaging images dice
  • 1 food die for "tell me how to make X"

Cut, fold and glue or tape to create your own dice game.

Follow Speech Therapy with Lenden-Holt 

Strategies and techniques

Story dice are a fun way to elicit speech, language and writing samples and to target goals in therapy or in centers! 

Dice include engaging images for writing prompts and conversational starters. 

These are great for speech therapy (conversational carryover of articulation sounds), language therapy (to target grammar, syntax and vocabulary), writing centers and more!


Attribution (CC BY)

Additional information


Jessica Lenden-Holt avatar

Jessica Lenden-Holt almost 3 years ago





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Resource details

Story Dice For Language Building and Writing Prompts, Wh- Question Dice image


Story dice are a fun way to elicit speech, language and writing samples and to target goals in therapy or in centers! 

Dice include engaging images for writing prompts and conversational starters. 

These are great for speech therapy (conversational carryover of articulation sounds), language therapy (to target grammar, syntax and vocabulary), writing centers and more!

This resource includes: 
12 total printable pages with 6 images per die
  • 1 simple Wh question die (What, Where, Who, When, How, Why)
  • 1 more complex Wh question die (What happened, What's next, When, Where, How, Why)
  • 1 farm theme based die
  • 1 pirate theme based die
  • 1 school theme based die
  • 1 funny animal theme based die
  • 1 funny animal/seasons based die
  • 1 emotions theme based die
  • 3 conversational starter/engaging images dice
  • 1 food die for "tell me how to make X"

Cut, fold and glue or tape to create your own dice game.

Follow Speech Therapy with Lenden-Holt 

Strategies and techniques

Story dice are a fun way to elicit speech, language and writing samples and to target goals in therapy or in centers! 

Dice include engaging images for writing prompts and conversational starters. 

These are great for speech therapy (conversational carryover of articulation sounds), language therapy (to target grammar, syntax and vocabulary), writing centers and more!


Attribution (CC BY)

Focus areas

  1. OT -> Handwriting -> Letter Formation
  2. OT -> Handwriting -> Line Awareness
  3. OT -> Handwriting -> Pencil Grasp
  4. OT -> Handwriting -> Spatial Awareness
  5. ST -> Expressive Language -> Asking Questions
  6. 46 more focus areas. Click arrow to view all.
  7. ST -> Expressive Language -> Answering Questions
  8. ST -> Expressive Language -> Attributes
  9. ST -> Expressive Language -> Commenting
  10. ST -> Expressive Language -> Describing
  11. ST -> Expressive Language -> Grammar
  12. ST -> Expressive Language -> Morphology
  13. ST -> Expressive Language -> Narrative Development
  14. ST -> Expressive Language -> Pronouns
  15. ST -> Expressive Language -> Prepositions
  16. ST -> Expressive Language -> Semantics
  17. ST -> Expressive Language -> Sequencing
  18. ST -> Expressive Language -> Utterance Expansion
  19. ST -> Expressive Language -> Syntax
  20. ST -> Expressive Language -> Verbs
  21. ST -> Expressive Language -> Vocabulary
  22. ST -> Fluency -> Fluency Shaping Techniques
  23. ST -> Intelligibility -> Pace and Breathing
  24. ST -> Phonology -> Affrication
  25. ST -> Phonology -> Alveolarization
  26. ST -> Phonology -> Assimilation
  27. ST -> Phonology -> Backing
  28. ST -> Phonology -> Cluster Reduction
  29. ST -> Phonology -> Final Consonant Deletion
  30. ST -> Phonology -> Final Consonant Devoicing
  31. ST -> Phonology -> Fronting
  32. ST -> Phonology -> Gliding
  33. ST -> Phonology -> Initial Consonant Deletion
  34. ST -> Phonology -> Epenthesis
  35. ST -> Phonology -> Depalatalization
  36. ST -> Phonology -> Denasalization
  37. ST -> Phonology -> Deaffrication
  38. ST -> Phonology -> Coalescence
  39. ST -> Phonology -> Labialization
  40. ST -> Phonology -> Phonological Awareness
  41. ST -> Phonology -> Prevocalic Voicing
  42. ST -> Phonology -> Reduplication
  43. ST -> Phonology -> Stopping
  44. ST -> Phonology -> Syllable Shapes / Consonant-Vowel Combinations
  45. ST -> Phonology -> Vowelization
  46. ST -> Phonology -> Weak Syllable Deletion
  47. ST -> Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills -> Conversation
  48. ST -> Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills -> Dealing with Feelings
  49. ST -> Receptive Language -> Answering Questions
  50. ST -> Receptive Language -> Sequencing
  51. ST -> Receptive Language -> Vocabulary
  52. ST -> Receptive Language -> Grammar

Evidence based practice citations

  1. Use of Narrative-Based Language Intervention With Children Who Have Specific Language Impairment
    Author(s): Swanson, L., Fey, M., Millis, C. & Hood, L.
  2. Curriculum-Based Language Interventions: What, Who, Why, Where, and How?
    Author(s): Ashley Bourque Meaux and Janet A. Norris

Grade levels




Weekly Themes


Daily Themes






Resource slides

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